WordPress 301 Redirect URL with htaccess & RewiteRule

WordPress 301 Redirection with RewriteRule The WordPress Tip Shows Yout Simply How-to 301 Redirect a WordPress Page/Post Url with a RewriteRule on .htaccess File. This Redirection will Works also for a WordPress Multisite Subdomains installation. Edit the .htaccess on the Root of the WordPress domain and Put on the Top something like: RewriteRule ^01/01/1417/wordpress-url-1/$ /12/31/2017/wordpress-url-2/? [L,R=301]

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How-to Create a WordPress Custom RSS Feed with Image to Replace the Default RSS Feed

The Tutorial Show Step by Step How-to Create a WordPress Custom RSS Feed with Imaget to Replace the Default RSS2 Feed with. The Procedure is Especially Good when the Default RSS Feed Do Not Work or You Just Want a Different RSS Feed instead of the Default One and So You Urge a WordPress Custom RSS Feed. The Guide Include all the Commands and Instuctions Involved in Creating a WordPress Custom RSS Feed. Access Your Current Template Folder Create a custom-feed.php File Inserts: mydomain.com E-mail Update http://tutorialforlinux.com/ The latest blog posts from mydomain.com. en-us dan.gax@gmx.fr //Entry modified Adding CDATA… And …

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