How-to Get a godaddy Domain Authorization-Code and tranfer to another registrar easily

Transferring godaddy Domain to another Registrar

This tutorial shows you step-by-step how to get the all daunting task to transfer a domain to another registrar.

The first difficult step in the transfer has come to get the godaddy Domain Authorization-Code.

After arriving to get Authorization Codes for the Domains to be transferred will be sufficient to access the account of the other registrar and begin the transfer process…

How-to get a godaddy Domain Authorization-Code - featured
  1. On the Domains Select
    More >> Export List

    How-to Get godaddy Domain Authorization-Code - Export List
  2. Put a Name to the List
    Select All Domains
    Click on Next

    How-to Get godaddy Domain Authorization-Code - Naming
  3. Find and Check the Authorization Codes Entry
    Click on Next

    How-to Get godaddy Domain Authorization-Code - Select Authorization Codes
  4. Accept the default CSV
    Click on Finish

    How-to Get godaddy Domain Authorization-Code - Select Authorization Codes
  5. Check Your eMail Box for the godaddy Issue
    Click on the contained Link
    Or simply Follow with the Next Step…

    How-to Get godaddy Domain Authorization-Code - Check eMail Box
  6. Again on the Domains Select
    More >> Manage Exportable Lists

    How-to Get godaddy Domain Authorization-Code - Manage Exportable Lists
  7. Click on Download Link

    How-to Get godaddy Domain Authorization-Code - Finishing
  8. Find and Open the Downloaded CSV file with LibreOffice
    How-to Download and Install Libre Office Software

    Get & Install LibreOffice Free
  9. How-to Get godaddy Domain Authorization-Code - Opening
  10. Again on the Domains Page Unlock All Domains to Tranfer
    Select Edit on the Lock column

    How-to Get godaddy Domain Authorization-Code - Edit Lock
    Select off & Click on Save
    How-to Get godaddy Domain Authorization-Code - Unlocking
  11. Go to the Other Domains Registrar and Ask for a Domain Transfer
    You’ll have to Supply the Authorization Code for Each Domain to Tranfer…

  12. Finally the daunting Task of Get a godaddy Auth Code is Achieved! [o;$