How-to Getting-Started Quickly with Android ADT Bundle Ubuntu

This Easy and Step-by-Step Tutorial Show How-to Jump Start in Android Development with Linux Android ADT Bundle Ubuntu.


All the Steps Involved in Getting-Started with a Productive Android ADT Bundle Ubuntu Environment are Clearly Described.


First of All the Installation of the Latest Official Oracle Java JDK that is Strongly Recommended for Android ADT Bundle Ubuntu Development.


The Instructions, Commands and Descriptions for Android ADT Bundle Ubuntu Guide are Expressly Reduced so to Give Focus only the Essentials.

Android ADT Bundle Ubuntu - Gnome Penguin Ball Android
  1. Download Android 4.2 SDK ADT Bundle Ready to Develop:

    ADT Bundle r21 Linux x86/
  2. Double-Click on Archive and Extract into /tmp
    Linux Ubuntu Android ADT Bundle Extraction
  3. Open Terminal Window
    Linux Ubuntu 12 Open Terminal
  4. Check if Java JDK7 is Installed
    java -version

    How-to Install Oracle Java JDK7 for Linux Ubuntu

  5. Relocate Android Developer Tools
    mv /tmp/adt-bundle-linux* /opt

    Make a Symlink to Distingue ADT Eclipse Bundle from Ordinary Eclipse:

    ln -s /opt/adt-bundle-linux*/eclipse/eclipse /opt/adt-bundle-linux*/eclipse/adt
  6. Insert Android Developer Tools into User PATH
    nano ~/.bashrc
    export PATH=/opt/tmp/adt-bundle-linux*/eclipse:$PATH

    Ctr+x to Save and Exit :)

    Load New Settings

    source ~/.bashrc
  7. Launching ADT Eclipse Bundle

    From Terminal with:


    Create a Custom App Launcher for Easy&Quick Launching:

    Quick Launcher for Ubuntu-Unity
  8. Getting-Started Coding Hello-World ADT App on Eclipse ADT:

    Android ADT App Hello-World